All Paintless Dent Repair techs are the same?
AAbsolutely not, Paintless Dent Repair has a very long learning curve. It takes the average tech 3 years to achieve an average skill set. Here at No CO we have a combined 20 years of experience.

Is Paintless Dent Repair insurance approved for hail damage repair?
APaintless Dent Repair is the PREFERRED method to fix hail damage for all insurance companies.
Is it possible for dents to re-appear after being repaired through Paintless Dent Repair?
ANo, we have never had any repairs come back after completed.
Can you work with my Insurance company directly?
AYes, we can communicate directly with your insurance provider throughout the process.
I have a cheaper quote, can I try a different shop and then bring it to No CO if the repair isn’t 100%?
ANo, more often than not, once someone tries to unsuccessfully make a repair it can’t be fixed. A poor attempt at Paintless Dent Repair usually results in cracked or over stretched metal.